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'They've been great ambassadors for Cornwall,'
Truro Voice, 21st July

"I can't quite believe that by singing a song we've enabled 10,000 people to be vaccinated,' Head Ch
Choristers Celebrate a Big Boost for Vaccines, Western Morning News, July 17th

Cornwall Live: Cornwall's G7 Summit anthem to help deliver Covid vaccines worldwide via UNICEF...
Cornwall Live 5 June 2021: Cornwall's G7 Summit anthem to help deliver Covid vaccines worldwide via UNICEF and Crowdfunder's VaccinAid....

Sunday night live with Pam Rhodes
6 June 2021: Sing2G7 was featured on Sunday night live with Pam Rhodes. View the video here:

Christian News: Singing for a better world - the Truro choristers leading a global chorus
Premier Christian News 01 June 2021: Thousands of children around the world are joining choristers at Truro Cathedral to urge the world's...

In Your Area: Truro Cathedral choristers call public to support Unicef Covid jabs Crowdfunder
In Your Area 31 May 2021: Truro Cathedral choristers are calling on the public and businesses to help them raise vital funds for...

Sing2G7 in the German press:
t-online 7 May 2021: Disney-Legende wendet sich an die Bundeskanzlerin. Sir Tim Rice schreibt Songtexte für die ganz großen Filme und...

Sing2G7 in France Musique
France Musique 18 May 2021: quand 14 000 jeunes choristes chantent pour les dirigeants du G7. Comment les enfants et les adolescents...

Free G7 Education Packs by Sing2G7 partner Truro School, for all UK Schools
In Your Area 14 May 2021: The recently launched Sing2G7, an international programme designed to put children’s voices at the heart of G7...

Picture News: Sing2G7 chosen as the focus for Picture News assembly packs
Picture News May 17th: Sing2G7 was chosen as the focus for Picture News assembly packs in the week of May 17th. This subscription service...

West Briton: Sir Tim enables young voices to be heard at G7
May 13th 2021: A song written by West End lyricist Tim Rice will be a message to world leaders at the G7 Summit asking them to listen to...
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